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Hip Osteoarthritis Care Pathway

Date of last update: October, 2024

8. Diagnostic Criteria for Hip OA


Diagnosis requires a thorough understanding of the patient's condition. It integrates patient stories; clinical findings; risk factor evaluations; and physical, psychological, social, and environmental aspects of pain.


A. Hip OA

  • Definition: Hip OA is a chronic degenerative disease and the most common cause of hip pain in older adults. It is characterized by activity-related hip pain, morning stiffness that lasts < 1 hour, and commonly affecting individuals > 45 years of age.

  • Prevalence: Estimated to impact 10% of individuals globally.

  • Risk Factors: Age > 45, history of joint injury, genetics, high BMI, comorbidities such as diabetes.

  • Pain Location: Anterior, posterior, or lateral hip. May refer into the groin, thigh, and/or calf.

  • Duration: Pain is often persistent (more than 12 weeks).

  • Signs and Symptoms:

  • Pain can be aching, sharp, and/or stiff.

  • Can be unilateral or bilateral.

  • Intensity varies from mild to severe.

  • Aggravated by walking, standing, or going up and down stairs.

  • Relieved with sitting or lying down.

  • Associated muscle stiffness or weakness in the surrounding musculature.

  • Morning stiffness < 1 hour.

  • Physical and Neurological Examination: Pain reproduced by hip provocation tests; neurological deficits not present.

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